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  • Important Updates on the Path of Shangpa Kagyu Seminar 香巴噶舉之道研修課重要資訊更新

Important Updates on the Path of Shangpa Kagyu Seminar 香巴噶舉之道研修課重要資訊更新

Dear Dharma Friends 親愛的法友們,

We hope this email finds you well. We're excited to share some important updates about the upcoming Path of Shangpa Kagyu Seminar with H.E. Kyabje Kalu Rinpoche.


Empowerment of “Four Deities Combined” “四尊合修”灌頂 

Last Wednesday, H.E. Kyabje Kalu Rinpoche bestowed the empowerment and instruction on the profound practice of "Four Deities Combined" (Tibetan: Lha Shi Dril Drup), a practice unique to the Shangpa Kagyu Lineage. This empowerment serves as a prelude to the Path of Shangpa Kagyu Seminar. A recording will be available inside the seminar's digital platform.

上週三,尊貴的卡盧仁波切給予了“四尊合修”深奧法門的灌頂及修持指導。 這是香巴噶舉傳承的不共修法。 此次灌頂為香巴噶舉之道研修課的開篇,其錄像會放入本研修課的數字平台(可供重播)。

Seminar Structure and Enrollment 研修課程架構及報名事宜

The Path of Shangpa Kagyu Seminar is a four-year program designed to be 100% online for the first three years, under Rinpoche's direct guidance. This innovative approach ensures accessibility for practitioners worldwide.

香巴噶舉之道研修課為期四年;前三年是由卡盧仁波切親自指導的在線課程。 這種創新的研修方式是為了讓全球有意修持的學員都能參與其中。


Here are some key updates 以下為關鍵資訊更新:

  • Monthly Subscription: The seminar will be offered through a global monthly subscription model (Specific pricing details to be announced soon). 月度訂閱:此研修課將在全球以月度訂閱的形式推出(訂閱費用詳情將於近期公佈)。

  •  Content Delivery: Rinpoche's teachings will be pre-recorded and released throughout the year. Empowerments will be live-streamed when possible. 內容推送:我們將錄製仁波切授課並在全年期間逐次發送。 灌頂則會在因緣具足時以在線直播的方式進行。

  • Monthly Q&A: Lama Chodrak will host a monthly Q&A session to address students' questions and provide additional guidance. 月度答疑:每月會有一次答疑課程,由喇嘛確扎回覆學員們的提問,並提供修持輔導。

  • Member Benefits: Subscribers will have unlimited access to recordings of Rinpoche's in-person teachings at various centers. For example, recordings from the recent event in the Netherlands will be available. 學員福利:學員可無限次觀看仁波切在不同道場線下授課的錄像,比如最近在荷蘭的授課錄像

Seminar Curriculum Overview 研修課程表概覽

Here is a brief overview of each years scheduled curriculum 以下是研修課程表年度概覽:

Year 1: Online


  1.   Shangpa Kagyu Preliminaries  香巴噶舉前行 

  2.  Four Deities Combined  四尊合修

  3.  Dark Blue Six-Armed Mahakala 黑六臂瑪哈嘎拉

  4.  White Mahakala 白六臂瑪哈嘎拉

Year 2: Online


  1. Bodhicitta (Shangpa Mönlam/Niguma Lojong arranged by the 1st Kalu Rinpoche)


  2. Calm-Abiding Meditation 禪修:安住修

  3. Analytical Meditation 禪修:思維修

  4. Five Tantric Deities 密續五大本尊

  • Hevajra, the completion of Tummo 喜金剛,拙火圓滿

  •  Chakrasamvara, the completion of Karma Mudra 勝樂金剛,業印圓滿

  • Guhyasamaja, the completion of Ilusory Body and Dream


  • Mahamaya, the completion of Lucid Clarity 大幻金剛,明光圓滿

  • Yamantaka, the completion of Enlightened Activity 大威德金剛,


Year 3: Online


The Five Golden Dharmas of Niguma (Part 1): Six Yogas of Niguma


  • Inner Heat (Tummo) 

  • Illusory Body (Gyulu) 

  • Dream (Milam) 

  • Clear Light (Ösal) 

  • Transference (Powa) 
遷識 (破瓦)

  •  Intermediate State (Bardo) 中陰

Year 4: Online & In-Person


The Five Golden Dharmas of Niguma (Part 2) 尼古瑪五金法(第二部分)

  • Mahamudra of the Amulet Box (Online) 嘎烏大手印(線上)

  • Three Integrations (In-Person)  三種轉為道用(線下)

  • White and Red Dakinis (In-Person)  紅白空行(線下)

  • Timeless Practice (In-Person) 無死無謬(線下)

Practice Requirements and Evaluations 修持要求和考核評估

  • Students are required to dedicate a minimum of two weeks to each practice taught. 學員需承諾在學年內每項修持至少修持兩週。

  • Annual evaluations with Shangpa Lamas to help you make progress. Rinpoche will be overseeing the evaluation results. 為幫助學員進步,香巴傳承的喇嘛將為學員作年度考核評估。 仁波切會審核評估結果。

  • Early registration is strongly advised to allow time for required practice sessions.強烈建議學員及早註冊報名,以便為各項修持預留充足時間。

Bhutan Pilgrimage 不丹朝聖

We're also planning a pilgrimage to Bhutan led by Rinpoche in November 2024. More details about this exciting opportunity will be shared soon.

我們正在籌備202411月由仁波切帶領的不丹朝聖之旅。 此項激動人心的計劃之細節,將於近期發佈。

 Enrollment information will be available shortly. To stay updated, please ensure you're on our email list:  https://shangpakagyu.org/seminar

報名資訊將於近期發佈。為保持資訊更新,請訪問 https://shangpakagyu.org/seminar 加入我們的郵件通訊錄。

 We look forward to embarking on this transformative journey with you.



Best wishes, 


The Shangpa Kagyu Team 
