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  • Path of Shangpa Kagyu Seminar - Special Announcement

Path of Shangpa Kagyu Seminar - Special Announcement


Dear Dharma Friends,

As we approach the end of 2024, we hope this message finds you in good health and peace. During this special time of reflection and renewal, we're delighted to share the latest news about the Path of Shangpa Kagyu Seminar with H. E. Kyabje Kalu Rinpoche.

Key Update - Shangpa Academy

We’re pleased to announce the online platform for the Seminar - Shangpa Academy, and cordially invite you to become a member of our thriving community.

Experience a Seminar Preview

On this platform, we’re offering the introductory section of Module 1, which features Rinpoche's Introduction to the Preliminaries, as a complimentary preview of the seminar content. We hope that this will serve as a taster/warm-up for the transformative journey ahead, for you to become familiar with the Shangpa Academy platform and prepare for the lessons that begin in January.

Here, we’ve prepared a step-by-step guide for platform registration and content preview:

1. Visit our Shangpa Academy platform by clicking on the link or scanning the QR code (both below): 

2. The link will lead you to the landing page of Shangpa Academy, the platform for the Path of Shangpa Kagyu Seminar:

3. On the landing page, please click on ‘Join.’ This will lead you through a simple registration process for a free account:

Make sure to tick the box to join our email list in order to receive future announcements and updates:

4. Once you have completed the account registration, you will see the Shangpa Academy platform:

5. At the end of the navigation panel on the left, click on ‘SEE MORE,’ then click on ‘More Details’ on the banner for ‘Path of Shangpa Kagyu Seminar Year 1’:

6. A new tab will pop up like this:

7. Scroll down the pop-up tab until you see ‘Course Material’ and a ‘Preview’ button next to ‘Introduction to the Preliminaries’:

8. You will then be able to view Rinpoche’s recording and supplemental text (on the page and in pdf) - Introduction to the Preliminaries:

Along with this preview, you will also find information about the Seminar on the ‘Welcome’ page and the course plan on ‘Year 1 - Curriculum Overview.’

About the Full Seminar

This four-year programme offers:

- Pre-recorded teachings from Rinpoche, with instructions and guided practice from Lama Chodrak, released every two weeks

- Live-streamed empowerments when available

- Monthly Q&A sessions with Lama Chodrak

- Complete access to recordings of Rinpoche's in-person teachings

The comprehensive curriculum covers the essential Shangpa Kagyu teachings, including the preliminaries, deity practices, and the Five Golden Dharmas of Niguma. The programme is designed to be fully online for the first three years, making these precious teachings accessible to practitioners worldwide.


The monthly subscription fee is £18, making this profound spiritual journey accessible to all dedicated practitioners.

Stay Updated

We will inform you once the enrollment for Year 1 begins in January, via this newsletter and the Shangpa Academy Email List.

With warmest wishes for the holiday season,

The Shangpa Kagyu Team
[email protected]








1. 點擊以下連結或掃描二維碼,進入香巴學院平臺:

2. 您將進入「香巴噶舉之道」專屬平臺——香巴學院的登錄頁面:

3. 請點擊登入頁面的“加入”(Join)按鍵,即可輕鬆註冊免費帳號:

請確保勾選“加入我們的郵件通訊錄”(Join our email list),以便接收後續通知和更新:

4. 在您完成帳號註冊之後,將進入香巴學院平臺:

5.在頁面左側的巡覽列底部,點擊“瀏覽更多”(SEE MORE),然後點擊“「香巴噶舉之道」系列課程(第一年)”這一欄的“更多詳情”(More Details)按鍵:

6. 向下滑動此彈出視窗直到您看到“課程資料”(Course Material)下面“「前行」介紹”的 “預覽”(Preview)按鍵:

7. 完成以上操作後,您便能看到仁波切的視頻和相關文本:



- 仁波切的錄製授課視頻,以及喇嘛確札的講解和實修指導,每兩週發佈一期

- 因緣合適時通過線上直播給予灌頂

- 喇嘛確札每月一次Q&A互動答疑

- 可觀看仁波切在各地線下授課時的錄影視頻







[email protected]